Wellness experts are currently enthralled by how these pungent, probiotic powerhouses, which boost the good bacteria in your digestive tract, can help heal a multitude of health issues, like leaky gut and IBS, and can even lead to weight loss, better skin, and boosted immunity. One of the reasons? “The gut is the largest part of our immune system,” explains Drew Ramsey, MD, author of The Happiness Diet and 50 Shades of Kale. So it matters what you put in it. “Sugar and refined carbohydrates cause damage, while fermented foods heal.” Ready to see what these (somewhat skunky) superfoods can do for you? Here are seven from Well+Good NYC to try now. More from Prevention: 25 Delectable Detox Smoothies Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight? 25 Things You Can Do With Yogurt