Trim kitty’s claws: The sharper or longer the nail, the more injury can occur—like puncturing the cornea, resulting in permanent blindness! I’ve seen this in puppies introduced to cats, and it can be devastating. Create a safe space: This may be a crate to run into or—for any new cats—a dog-free zone secured by a baby gate. Keep your dog on a leash in the house so you can restrain him, use a basket muzzle for the first few weeks, or consider keeping him crated while the new cat explores. Most important, make sure your pets are supervised. Mind mealtimes: Some pets are more nervous about eating in front of another pet and may feel threatened, causing them to eat sporadically—or not at all. Feed new pets using separate bowls in separate rooms until they’re well adjusted. If you have a new cat, it’s imperative that you make sure she’s eating, as she may be more apt to hide. Splurge on an extra litter box: Until all your cats get along, keep litter boxes in different areas of the house. Cats often feel trapped inside a covered box and don’t know if someone will attack them during their most vulnerable moment. Offering several bathroom options curbs inappropriate urination in your home. More from Prevention: How To Be A Foster Pet Parent