What’s for certain: If you make it past this party, there will be another on its heels. There are national holidays, birthday parties, and scores of other impromptu celebrations—a promotion, a good report card, even making a deadline—coming this year. “Because we don’t have established patterns of eating in these circumstances, every occasion offers different temptations,” says Brian Wansink, PhD, a Cornell University food psychologist who has studied guests’ eating patterns at Super Bowl parties, office celebrations, and more. “You need to go into the event with a strategy.” And what might that party diet plan be? Prevention called upon leading experts for advice on how to handle 24 of the most common diet-busting social situations that crop up throughout the year. Consider this your diet datebook.


New Year’s Brunch Enjoy a toasted whole grain waffle with berries and low-fat yogurt immediately after you wake up. “The slightest bit of hunger will wear away your ability to stick to your resolution,” says Arthur S. Agatston, MD, author of The South Beach Diet. Why waffles? If you have them for breakfast, you’ll be less tempted by the ones dripping with butter and syrup at brunch.[pagebreak]


Super Bowl Sunday Develop a game plan for this day, which ranks first in snack foods consumed. On offense, bring a bowl of air-popped popcorn sprinkled with a little Parmesan cheese; it’ll satisfy your craving for a crunchy and salty snack—and 4 whole cups have the same number of calories that just 14 potato chips have. On defense, don’t eat anything—even finger foods—without putting it on a plate, and sit where you have to walk in front of the TV to get food. (Imagine the embarrassment of blocking your friends’ view of the big play.) Valentine’s Day Ask for dark chocolate-dipped strawberries: They’re festive, tasty, filled with antioxidants, and 40 calories apiece. If you absolutely must have the box of chocolates, instead of hinting for chocolate truffles (70 calories each), slip your honey the phone number for Gayle’s Miracles (800-572-4139; United States only). Each of the truffles in their 18-piece heart-shaped box has just 30 calories and is made without artificial sweeteners.


Oscar Night Use the trick that New York City weight loss psychologist Stephen Gullo, PhD, gives his celebrity clients: Suck on a menthol-flavored lozenge instead of grazing on party hors d’oeuvres. It’ll keep your mouth busy for up to a half hour for a mere 15 calories.  St. Patrick’s Day Trade one green beer (8 ounces of light beer has about 70 calories) for an iced green tea. Not only is green tea virtually calorie free, but preliminary diet research suggests that it’s a metabolism booster, too. (Another better-for-you option? This Skinny Shamrock Shake.)


Easter Lay off the chocolate eggs in favor of a beautifully decorated hard-boiled egg. One is just 78 calories, and it’s a terrific source of choline, an important brain chemical.  Tax Day Breathe deeply between bites and when you do nibble, pay attention to the food’s taste and feel. Otherwise, in your frenzied state, you’ll mindlessly shovel in food and hurt your diet, says Ann Pardo, director of behavioral health services at Canyon Ranch Health Resort in Tucson.[pagebreak]


Mother’s Day On the country’s most popular day to dine out, make your reservation at a gourmet restaurant that serves reasonably sized portions of ultrasatisfying food, suggests Carrie Wiatt, a celebrity clinical nutritionist based in Culver City, CA. By way of comparison: The sea bass with potato and leeks at Daniel, an acclaimed restaurant in New York City, has about 630 calories; a platter of fried shrimp, scallops, clam strips, and fish fillets at Red Lobster, up to 1,100 calories. Memorial Day Because creamy picnic side dishes damage a diet much more than the main course does, skip the calorie-dense potato and macaroni salads in favor of a 59-calorie ear of corn on the cob, advises Robyn Flipse, RD, author of Fighting the Freshman Fifteen.


Father’s Day Serve Dad’s dinner in courses rather than presenting it all at once, says Will Clower, PhD, author of The Fat Fallacy: “Eating more slowly will give your body the 15 or so minutes it takes to register that it’s full.” Suggested menu of 511 calories: Start with salad, move on to shrimp cocktail, follow it with a small steak with mushrooms and steamed veggies, and end with fruit and pudding. Graduation Party Bring a camera and act as the “official photographer” (it can be part of your gift to the guest of honor) so your hands won’t be free to pick up food. Baby Shower Have a bowl of satisfying soup—hot or cold—before you go. In a Pennsylvania State University study of nearly 150 dieters, those who consumed 200 calories’ worth of soup before lunch and dinner every day lost 5 pounds more after a year than those who ate 200 calories in low-fat but salty snacks as an appetizer.


Independence Day Lay off the lemonade. We know the weather’s hot, but a study at Penn State showed that when women consumed 156 calories’ worth of nonalcoholic caloric beverages with a meal, they only slightly adjusted their food intake and ended up 104 calories in the hole. Better diet choice: sparkling water with a few raspberries dropped in. (Or give this delicious Sassy Water recipe a try!)[pagebreak]


Wedding Reception Eat two fat-free hot dogs without the buns at home and carry a clutch purse when you head out the door. Together, they will wipe out your desire and ability to stuff yourself with party hors d’oeuvres. Think about it: Who wants pigs in a blanket after polishing off two franks? You won’t have a hand free for food anyway, what with a clutch purse in one hand and a drink in the other (go for a 50-calorie wine spritzer). Summer Vacation Request that the minibar in your hotel room be emptied, and stock it yourself with water, milk, 100% juice, low-fat yogurt, and fruit. You can enjoy breakfast in your room every morning and avoid the temptation to eat your money’s worth in pancakes, French toast, and omelets at the hotel’s overpriced buffet. More from Prevention: How To Prevent Vacation Weight Gain


Labor Day Be among the last of the picnickers to begin eating, so when it’s time to jump back in the lake or play volleyball, you’ll have finished only one plateful.  Back to School Buy your kids’ snacks in preportioned bags and store them out of sight to resist reaching for them. Distance makes a difference: In one study, when women had to walk six feet for a chocolate kiss, they ate five fewer of them than when the bowl was on their desk.


Birthday Party Pop a strong breath strip in your mouth when you arrive to stave off a taste for nibble foods. Spare yourself at least 100 calories by opting for a slice from the middle of the sheet cake rather than an overly frosted (and undoubtedly overly sweet) end piece.  Halloween Give trinkets as treats, and you won’t be haunted by chocolate. The kids won’t mind as much as you may think. When Yale researchers allowed 3- to 14-year-old trick-or-treaters to choose between a piece of candy and a small toy such as a pencil or ball, half took the toy. But if Halloween isn’t the same without candy, handing out fun-size packs of Raisinets (67 calories) or rolls of Smarties (25 calories) are your best bets. Don’t buy the assorted packages of candy because you’ll be tempted to try one (or four) of every kind. More from Prevention: Why You Can’t Kick Your Candy Habit [pagebreak]


Thanksgiving Don’t eat the veggies! If the green beans are buried under that creamy mushroom sauce and the sweet potatoes are oozing with glaze or marshmallows, fill half your plate with skinless turkey breast, top it with cranberries (an antioxidant powerhouse), and take mini portions of other items you love and get only once a year, suggests New York City culinary consultant Jackie Newgent, RD. Total calories for 6 ounces of turkey; 2 tablespoons each of cranberry sauce, stuffing, and mashed potatoes; and a sliver of corn bread: 471. (Have a healthier Turkey Day with this Farm-Fresh Thanksgiving Feast.) Black Friday As you kick off the holiday shopping season, skip the high-cal, high-fat mall snacks. Instead, order a kid’s meal with fruit rather than fries. You’ll get a better portion size for an adult, plus you can use the toy as a stocking stuffer.


Holiday Party Don’t put more than two foods on your plate at one time. “The variety of foods at holiday parties prompts you to overeat; this plan forces you to decide early on what you most want to try,” says Wansink. “Chances are, you’ll be satisfied after just one refill.” Christmas Don’t waste 300 or 400 calories nibbling on food while you’re cooking. Before you prepare the meal, make yourself an 80-calorie plate of crudités—four whole wheat crackers; one large celery rib, sliced; five baby carrots; and a teaspoon of ranch dressing. For sipping, fill your wine glass with sparkling water and a slice of lime. New Year’s Eve Ring in the New Year with champagne. Each 90-calorie glass is a diet bargain compared with a margarita (327 calories) or any other sugar-filled mixed drink. More from Prevention: Your Stay-Slim Holiday Survival Plan