Ashley’s answer: Nutrition is so personal that I like to equate it with a prescription; even if you and I were taking the same medication, we wouldn’t necessarily take the same dose, and if we did, it would affect us differently. No nutrition program should teach that there is a “yes” or “no” answer when it comes to nutrition, except for “yes”: we need nutrient dense food and “no”: chemistry lab projects have no place in our bodies. Second, not all vegetables are created equal. Some vegetables are as starchy as fruits, meaning that per serving, they deliver the same amount of carbohydrate. So if we create a juice or smoothie with fruits and starchy vegetables, we will have made something that exceeds our per-pit-stop nutrition needs for quick energy. The result can be energy highs and lows, abdominal weight gain, bloating, or other forms of digestive distress. And what about the smoothie that has non-starchy vegetables and a fruit serving in it, or a salad with fruit in it? Most people find that fruit enhances the taste, and that’s a plus, since flavor is a key part of nutrition, too. A good way to ensure that your veggie/fruit combo delivers nutritionally is to eat a rainbow of colors, so if you toss in carrots, skip the cantaloupe and choose blueberries instead. I’m so grateful to the growing number of health coaches out there helping individuals achieve their personal healthy goals. Just remember that because something works great for us, that doesn’t mean it will for others. “Know thy patient,” and you may learn something new for yourself, as I do daily, through listening to them and their bodies. Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and