In a series of five experiments on 445 adults, experts from the University of California, Berkeley, revealed that people in powerful positions are better able to cope with rejection. Furthermore, these individuals will continue to seek out scenarios (like relationships or job promotions) where rebuffs are likely, even after being told “no” on a given occasion.  “The results showed that powerful people seem to have a kind of armor against rejection, and are less affected by it,” says lead study author Maya Kuehn, a PhD candidate in psychology at UC Berkeley. “In contrast, less powerful people are much more impacted by scenarios of rejection.” The findings held across both professional scenarios and personal relationships. In one experiment, for instance, Kuehn asked romantic pairs to submit daily diary entries noting which partner held greater power on that given day. In another, she asked participants to visualize workplace scenarios where they held greater or lesser power and weren’t invited to an office happy hour. After every experiment, study participants were asked to complete surveys noting how rejection impacted their mood and self-esteem. More from Prevention: 5 New Ways To Love Yourself  In workplace and romantic settings, subordinate study participants experienced emotional repurcussions and reduced self-esteem, Kuehn says. In contrast, those in powerful positions didn’t suffer adverse effects.  “We don’t have solid answers about why this is the case,” Kuehn says. “But we do know that higher powered people tend to inhabit a different realm, one with more opportunity and fewer limits. So overall, they tend to take more risks, feel more confident, and be less inhibited.” Of course, we can’t all reign over our colleagues and rule the household (at least, not every single day). Fortunately, Kuehn notes, earlier research suggests that we can make ourselves feel more powerful than we actually are, which may help us bounce back from inevitable rebuffs.  Take up space. Recent research out of the Harvard Business School suggests that changing your physical position might enhance your sense of power and willingness to take risks. So before you discuss that recent report with your colleague, try striking a pose. “Occupy more space,” Kuehn says. “Stand with your legs farther apart and your hands on your hips, or lean back on your desk with your feet up and your hands behind your head.”  Think big picture. If you’re angling for a promotion or gearing up for an argument with your husband, tweak the way you approach the scenario. “Think more abstractly and big picture, instead of focusing on specific steps,” Kuehn advises. Indeed, one 2008 study concluded that abstract thinking, because it’s less constrained, allows thinkers to enjoy a greater sense of power and feelings of control. So instead of “I should to tell my boss X, Y, and Z about my work performance,” tell yourself “I’m asking for this promotion because of everything I’ve accomplished in the past year.” Deepen your voice. In a series of three experiments, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, investigators found that participants who lowered their vocal pitch instantly felt more confident and powerful. Of course, you don’t need to deepen your voice by three octaves to enjoy the benefits. Instead, focus on lilt, advises Bill Cassara, a media coach with Clarity Media Group. “Lilt is a slight upturn of the last few words in a sentence…and actually gives the impression that the statement might be a question, rather than a definitive thought.” (Your voice can also affect how people perceive you. Speak like a leader with these three tips.) Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team! Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: