We’ve got an exclusive on the new fitness routine, including a detailed 2-week plan to get you started today! Plus, read real-life results from five women who followed the diet and the new “supercharged” exercise plan and lost up to 10 pounds and 7 inches after just 2 weeks, and up to 18 pounds and 12 1/4 inches after 6 weeks.


This 2-week eating and exercise plan kick-starts weight loss by gradually building strength and endurance, curbing cravings, and reining in calories.   

  1. Tone Up and Slim Down Routine (3 or 4 days a week) This Pilates-based workout targets your midsection plus arms, shoulders, legs, and butt for a total-body shape-up. [You’ll need a stable chair and a cushioned surface.]  
  2. Walking Workout (3 or 4 days a week) An interval plan uses short bursts of moderate to fast walking to burn more calories and fat. [You’ll need athletic shoes and a watch with a timer.]  
  3. Quick Start Eating Plan (See the 2-week eating plan)This follows the standard South Beach Diet plan of three balanced meals and two snacks a day to help you drop weight fast.   THE EXPERTS: Arthur Agatston, MD, preventive cardiologist and creator of  The South Beach Diet; Joseph Signorile, PhD, professor of exercise physiology at the University of Miami and collaborator on the walking routine; and Kris Belding, a Miami-based Pilates instructor who developed the toning moves and demonstrates them here (see next page).   Buy The South Beach Diet Supercharged Workout DVD

Tone Up and Slim Down Routine

  Strengthens and stretches back, increases flexibility, and helps improve posture   START POSITION  Sit straight on edge of seat, feet hip-width apart, knees in line with ankles, and palms flat on thighs.   MAIN MOVE  Press heels into ground and contract butt muscles, sliding hands up toward hips. Gently arch back and look up while tightening ab muscles. Continuing to hold ab muscles in, round back, slide hands toward knees, and look down at ground. Return to start position.   TIP  Do this exercise in one fluid motion. Strengthens and stretches upper back muscles and chest muscles   START POSITION  Sit straight on edge of seat, feet hip-width apart, knees in line with ankles, and palms on thighs.   MAIN MOVE  Round back and roll forward, dropping head between knees (pictured, inset). Tighten ab muscles and slowly raise head, arching spine so chest and stomach are pushed out slightly. Return to start position.   TIP  Focus on moving slowly. Improves back flexibility   START POSITION  Sit straight on edge of seat, feet hip-width apart, knees in line with ankles, and palms flat on thighs.   MAIN MOVE  Slowly pull in ab muscles. Twist from waist as you turn to left, while sliding right hand down right thigh and left hand up left thigh. Keep feet and legs still. Then, twist from waist as you turn to right, sliding left hand down left thigh and right hand up right thigh.   TIP  Do the twists in one fluid motion. Twisting once to the left and once to the right is 1 rep. Tightens midsection and strengthens quads   START POSITION  Sit straight on edge of seat, abs in, and feet and knees together. Grip seat with both hands.   MAIN MOVE  Lean back slightly (keeping knees together and back relaxed) and lift both feet 4 to 6 inches off ground. In a slow, controlled move, kick left leg out and back; then kick right leg out and back. Keep abs tight throughout exercise. This is 1 rep; don’t stop between reps.   TIP  If you have a weak back, place your hands under your hips and buttocks for extra support. Strengthens lower ab muscle and quads   START POSITION  Sit straight on edge of seat, abs pulled in, and feet and knees together. Grip seat with both hands.   MAIN MOVE  Lean back slightly (keeping knees together and back relaxed) and lift both feet 4 to 6 inches off ground. Circle both legs to right 4 times and immediately left 4 times.   TIP  Pretend your legs are stirring a tall drink.   Increases flexibility and decreases pain in neck and shoulders   START POSITION  Stand with feet hip-width apart, heels pressed into ground.   MAIN MOVE  Hold arms out to sides with elbows bent at 90-degree angles, palms facing forward. Circle shoulders forward 4 times, then immediately backward 4 times.   TIP  Keep butt muscles contracted.   Strengthens and stretches back   START POSITION  Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and hands on top of head. Pull elbows back and abs in, press heels into ground, and contract butt muscles.   MAIN MOVE  Without moving hips, circle rib cage 4 times to left, then 4 times to right.   TIP  Pretend you’re drawing a circle on the ceiling with the top of your head. Firms abs   START POSITION  Sit on ground with knees bent, feet hip-width apart, hands resting below knees. Press feet firmly into floor and contract thigh muscles.   MAIN MOVE  Contract ab muscles, and slowly roll down to ground one vertebra at a time. Keep abs tight and roll back up, one vertebra at a time, to start position. Begin with 1 set of 8 reps; work up to 3 sets over the course of 2 to 3 weeks.   TIP  Try squeezing a rolled-up towel between your knees to help lift yourself up until you’re strong enough to do the move unaided. Strengthens and stretches abs and back   START POSITION  Get on hands and knees, wrists in line with shoulders and knees in line with hips. Keep back flat, like a tabletop, and abs tight.   MAIN MOVE  Contracting butt muscles, round back, tuck hips under, pull chin toward chest–like a cat–and hold position for 10 seconds. Then pull shoulders down and away from ears and slowly raise head. Keeping ab muscles tight, drop belly toward ground and arch back–like you’re a human hammock. Hold for 10 seconds, then return to start position. Do 3 to 5 reps.   TIP  Focus on “squeezing” the area under your shoulder blades when you arch your back to help do the move more effectively. We’ve broken down the supercharged exercise plan into an easy-to-follow, day-by-day plan that alternates between 2 workouts: INTERVAL WALKING Follow speed and intensity guidelines, based on a 1-to-10 scale (1 is sitting still, 10 is sprinting). TONE-UP ROUTINE Do all 9 moves in order, and 3 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, unless otherwise noted. MONDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-12:30: Intervals    15 seconds at moderate pace    60 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 6 times 12:31-15:00 Cool-down, easy pace TUESDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE WEDNESDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-13:00: Intervals    15 seconds at moderate pace    45 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 8 times 13:01-15:00: Cool-down, easy pace THURSDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE FRIDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-18:45: Intervals    15 seconds at moderate pace    60 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 11 times 18:46-20:45: Cool-down, easy pace SATURDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE SUNDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-15:00: Intervals    15 seconds at revved-up pace    60 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 8 times 15:01-17:00: Cool-down, easy pace MONDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE TUESDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-15:00: Intervals    15 seconds at revved-up pace    45 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 10 times 15:01-17:00: Cool-down, easy pace WEDNESDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE THURSDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-14:00: Intervals    15 seconds at revved-up pace    30 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 12 times 14:01-16:00: Cool-down, easy pace FRIDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE SATURDAY: INTERVAL WALKING 0:00-5:00: Warm-up, easy pace 5:01-15:00: Intervals    15 seconds at supercharged pace    60 seconds at easy pace    Repeat 8 times 15:01-17:00: Cool-down, easy pace SUNDAY: TONE-UP ROUTINE KEEP GOING! To continue to lose weight, gradually increase the intensity of your walks by including longer periods of fast paces with shorter recovery times and incorporating different strengthening moves to keep building muscle. Adapted from The South Beach Diet Supercharged by Arthur Agatston, MD with Joseph Signorile, PhD. Copyright ©  2008 by Arthur Agatston, MD. Available where books are sold.      Buy The South Beach Diet Supercharged Workout DVD   Buy The South Beach Diet Supercharged   Join The South Beach Diet online program